Strategic planning to save species


To know how to act to save species, it is necessary to carry out a planning based on data and facts. This planning takes into account all the means and methods necessary to consider issues such as: What do we already know about the species? What does the species need? Is the species being very harmed, hunted, trafficked, or is it living in a small area because of deforestation and suffering genetic problems? What are the needs to maintain a healthy genetic pool? What kind of protection is needed and how we can provide this? Does the species need reintroduction at a regional or global level? Does the species require reproduction under human care? Is it necessary to translocate individuals? Do we need to work with the engagement and perceptions of people at the place where the species lives? Which institutions and people need to work together to save the species and how? And, while following all of this, what actions need to be taken to save the species?

The philosophy that we have adopted is the One Plan Approach to Conservation developed by CPSG. It takes into account and brings together in a systematic way all the disciplines, means, institutions, and people involved that can contribute to save a species.

To create this type of strategic planning, we work in partnership with specialists in conservation planning at a global level, mainly with CPSG.

We participate in various National Action Plans for the conservation of bird species led by ICMBio.

We organize and work to facilitate and sponsor planning workshops led by experts that bring together various professionals involved with the conservation of the species and specialists in the disciplines needed, both Brazilian professionals as well as from multiple continents, to develop integrated plans or to spearhead specific actions necessary to save species. Many times the workshops follow demands identified by organs of the Brazilian government as part of National Action Plans.

In 2018, Parque das Aves became the Brazilian National Headquarters of CPSG. The Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG) from IUCN is a global network of conservation professionals dedicated to save endangered species by increasing the effectiveness of conservation efforts around the world.

CPSG strongly supports the conservation of Atlantic Rainforest birds and CPSG Brazil has taken up the cause of Atlantic Rainforest birds as a flagship project. The partnership between CPSG and Parque das Aves enables various workshops. Here are some examples:

  • Population and Habitat Viability Assessment – PHVA
  • Analysis of the contributions of ex situ populations (One Plan Approach)

CPSG and Parque das Aves together organize, support, and finance courses for the following tools, as well as provide free services with their use for Conservation projects of Atlantic Rainforest birds:

  • Facilitating conservation planning
  • Disease Risk Analysis (DRA)

We also use tools to diagnosis attitudes in order to plan engagement with strategic communities based on evidence. Furthermore, we offer training in using Social Sciences in the context of planning actions for the conservation of species.