The Atlantic Rainforest is the 2nd most biodiverse biome on the planet and is home to the largest number of endemic species, which means that they are only found in this place. The diversity of species found in the Atlantic Rainforest is something incredible and charming.


The Atlantic Rainforest is the 2nd most biodiverse biome on the planet and is home to the largest number of endemic species, which means that they are only found in this place. The diversity of species found in the Atlantic Rainforest is something incredible and charming.

According to data from SOS Mata Atlântica, approximately 5% of the vertebrate species in the world are present in this biome. In addition to the wealth of fauna, the Atlantic Rainforest also has a large diversity of flora. Large tree species can be found, such as the Jequitiba rosa, the Paraná pine, cedar trees, fig trees, the Tabebuias, the Brauna, the Brazilwood, among many others.

The conservation of the biodiversity of the Atlantic Rainforest is also very important for maintaining the quality of life of the Brazilian population: the biome provides water, regulates the climate, produces food, timber, and fiber, grows plants with active ingredients in the area of medicine, protects the soil’s fertility, and offers beautiful scenery.


The Atlantic Rainforest still has large wild areas and some of the richest and most beautiful forests in the world. But all this is quickly disappearing.

There are still 157,000 km² of its area. 81,000 km² are in protected areas or national parks.

(Photo: Heris Luiz Cordeiro Rocha)

Why do we focus on the conservation of birds from the Atlantic Rainforest?

Parque das Aves is the product of a legacy and a story when a person, Anna Croukamp, after the death of her husband, decided to fight for their shared dream. Today Parque das Aves follows the instructions that she passed on to us: our objective is conservation, our base is enchantment, and we grow and increase our impact through sustainable means and with social responsibility.

At the end of 2016, we discovered that a small dove, the Purple-winged Ground Dove (Paraclaravis geoffroyi), who lived in our backyard in the forests of Iguaçu, had become extinct. Its extinction could have been avoided. Claravis is not the only one. The Atlantic Rainforest is full of birds that live only here, but only 8% of the Atlantic Rainforest survives, and bird species of this biome are disappearing every year.

Due to deforestation, hunting, trafficking, the extraction of food sources for birds, and much more, 120 species and subspecies of birds native to the Atlantic Rainforest today are threatened with extinction. One of the most serious crises of extinction of species in Brazil is taking place in our backyard and in the forests that are part of our work.

Given this scenario, we took a risk to do the right thing and changed everything that we were doing to focus only on the conservation of Atlantic Rainforest birds. The birds of the Atlantic Rainforest need allies. We have become a strong ally, and we invite you to join us.

We can and must make a significant difference. In addition to this, being experts in tourism attractions, we work to create a deep and intense experience of the Atlantic Rainforest. Because of this, we are using all our potential to shelter and save native species of the Atlantic Rainforest.

We are positioning ourselves to become a safety network for species in danger of extinction that are found in this biome while drawing attention to those who are currently without support. All this takes place through partnerships with institutions and through conservation projects in the field.

All these actions are only possible on account of your contributions when visiting Parque das Aves.


How do we work?

To contribute strategically and intelligently, Parque das Aves operates at various levels, investing significantly in all of them to create a positive impact for the Atlantic Rainforest birds.

These levels include evaluating or diagnosing the decline or increase of species as well as risks that could lead to their extinction; planning to find effective and efficient ways to save species; and taking action to put all of this into practice.

Develop and manage projects and work whenever possible in partnership with others. We support initiatives and professionals involved in conservation of birds from the Atlantic Rainforest. We use all means and disciplines at our disposal.