How much does it cost to visit Parque das Aves?
Entry to Parque das Aves costs R$ 80 per person and is free of charge for children up to 8 years of age.
How do I buy tickets to visit Parque das Aves?
Tickets can be purchased on Parque das Aves’ website ( or directly at the ticket office. The value in both is the same, and tickets do not sell out (there is no ticket limit). By purchasing in advance, you save time and go straight to the entrance.
How do school or technical visits to Parque das Aves work?
Teachers or directors of schools who wish to bring their classes to visit Parque das Aves through school or technical visits may contact [email protected] ffor more information.
What are Parque das Aves’ opening hours?
Parque das Aves is open every day, including weekends and holidays, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Where is Parque das Aves?
Parque das Aves is located in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, next to the Iguaçu Falls. The address is: Av. das Cataratas, 12450 – KM 17.1 – Parque Nacional, Foz do Iguaçu – PR, 85.859-899 or find it on the map: See map
How long does the visit to Parque das Aves take?
The tour in Parque das Aves lasts a minimum of one hour and an average of 3 hours, but you can take as long as you want during your visit.
How does the visit to Parque das Aves work?
In Parque das Aves, the tour is self-guided on a U-shaped trail of approximately 1,600 meters. You will go through 5 immersion aviaries where you can get close to the birds, just not allowed to touch them. Throughout the tour you will find environmental educators ready to help you and answer your questions.
What should I know before visiting Parque das Aves?
Here are some tips for your visit:

1 – At 10:30 am, 2 pm and 3:30 pm, you can watch the birds feeding at the Macaws Aviary: Learn more
2 – Bring your bottle, as we offer water fountains with cold water for free!
3 – Enjoy a delicious meal, with fresh ingredients from the Atlantic Rainforest, at our Sabores da Floresta restaurant: Learn more

Is Parque das Aves accessible?
Parque das Aves’ trail is all concrete and accessible for people who use wheelchairs, also allowing the use of strollers. Throughout the route, there are several resting points, with benches, accessible bathrooms and changing tables, as well as drinking fountains with cold, free drinking water.
Does Parque das Aves open on rainy days?
Parque das Aves opens as usual on rainy days. Many birds even enjoy the rain, especially on hot days, and put on a show. Others tend to be more sheltered, especially on cold days. The vegetation looks beautiful, and visitors tend to dress in capes or take the opportunity to have an even more immersive connection with nature.
Is there a restaurant inside Parque das Aves?
Parque das Aves has a gastronomic complex with three spaces: Sabores da Floresta Restaurant, right at the beginning of the trail, with a variety of dishes made up of fresh ingredients from the Atlantic Rainforest to please all palates (; the Bistrô da Mata, in the middle of the trail, offering a space for a break in the walk, with a menu full of dishes and delicacies for all tastes; and Café da Praça, with coffee, snacks and desserts to eat or take away. Remembering that all purchases in our restaurants help our work with the conservation of the birds of the Atlantic Rainforest.
Does Parque das Aves have a souvenir shop?
Parque das Aves has a souvenir shop where you can find different types of souvenirs, such as magnets, key chains, clothes with prints created for Parque das Aves, jewels, among others. All with excellent quality and the best prices. Remembering that all purchases in the store help our work with the conservation of the birds of the Atlantic Rainforest.
Does Parque das Aves have parking?
Yes, we have parking! It costs R$40 per vehicle/per period. It is official and is located to the right of those arriving at Parque das Aves.
Is Parque das Aves close to the Iguaçu (Iguazu) Falls?
Yes, Parque das Aves is next to the Iguaçu Falls and the Iguaçu National Park, and it is totally feasible to visit both places on the same day!
Is it possible to visit Iguaçu (Iguazu) Falls and Parque das Aves on the same day?
Parque das Aves is next to the Iguaçu National Park, where the Iguaçu Falls are located. Therefore, it is possible to visit the Iguaçu Falls and Parque das Aves on the same day! We recommend coming first to Parque das Aves, having lunch with us (see our menu) and heading to the Falls.