The Atlantic Rainforest is the second most biodiverse biome in the world and is home to 8% of all species on the planet. It is also the most threatened biome of Brazil. Between 2015-2016, the deforestation of the Atlantic Rainforest grew by 60%, the highest rate in the last 10 years.

It is a conservation crisis of large proportions caused by the special conditions of the Atlantic Rainforest. It is a very biologically diverse forest with many species of fauna and flora, but  at the same time it is the biome where 72% of the Brazilian population lives.

People need intact ecosystems to survive because they are necessary for agriculture, for rain, for pollination, and to promote soil quality. The Atlantic Rainforest biome provides water, regulates the climate, produces food, timber, and fiber, grows plants with active ingredients in the area of medicine, protects the soil’s fertility, and offers beautiful scenery.


The Atlantic Rainforest is the second most biodiverse biome in the world and is home to 8% of all species on the planet. It is also the most threatened biome of Brazil. Between 2015-2016, the deforestation of the Atlantic Rainforest grew by 60%, the highest rate in the last 10 years.

It is a conservation crisis of large proportions caused by the special conditions of the Atlantic Rainforest. It is a very biologically diverse forest with many species of fauna and flora, but  at the same time it is the biome where 72% of the Brazilian population lives.

People need intact ecosystems to survive because they are necessary for agriculture, for rain, for pollination, and to promote soil quality. The Atlantic Rainforest biome provides water, regulates the climate, produces food, timber, and fiber, grows plants with active ingredients in the area of medicine, protects the soil’s fertility, and offers beautiful scenery.

Unlike the Amazon that has had 19%
of its original area deforested, 91.5% of the
Atlantic Rainforest has been cleared, a large
part of it in the last decades.

The deforestation took place very
quickly and continues to occur.

Deforestation in the Atlantic Rainforest 2008 – 2018
in hectares.

As in other Brazilian states with Atlantic Rainforest, the deforestation in Paraná has been incredibly fast, most in the last 50 years.