The red list has the function of identifying species that are at risk of extinction and to assess their level of threat in order to promote official and legislative protection for the species identified as endangered. To be effective, the list should be updated every 5 years because the situation of any species changes over time. By highlighting the species in need of protection the most, the list makes it possible to rank them according to the degree of risk of extinction, allowing public policies to be more effective in protecting the species that really need it. The existence of this document reminds us that extinction is forever and we need to take action to ensure that these species continue to share the Atlantic Rainforest with us.

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The red list has the function of identifying species that are at risk of extinction and to assess their level of threat in order to promote official and legislative protection for the species identified as endangered. To be effective, the list should be updated every 5 years because the situation of any species changes over time. By highlighting the species in need of protection the most, the list makes it possible to rank them according to the degree of risk of extinction, allowing public policies to be more effective in protecting the species that really need it. The existence of this document reminds us that extinction is forever and we need to take action to ensure that these species continue to share the Atlantic Rainforest with us.
The first list of fauna threatened with extinction in Paraná was published in 1995 and revised in 2004. Because it directs efforts to species at the greatest risk of disappearance in a state level, we recognize the need for it to be updated. Other efforts include providing orientation for carrying out recovery programs of birds that are threatened, as well as to have an impact on proposals for implementing conservation units, programs for mitigating environmental impacts, and research programs, becoming a reference element in the application of the Law of Environmental Crimes.
Because of this, Parque das Aves funded and organized the revision of the List of Threatened Bird Species of Paraná through a partnership with the State Department of Environment – SEMA and the Environmental Institute of Paraná – IAP for publication in 2018.

Decree 11,797 published on November 22, 2018 recognizes and updates the List of Bird Species belonging to the Wildlife Threatened with Extinction in the State of Paraná and takes other measures in compliance with Decree No. 3,148 of 2004.
Among the 762 species evaluated according to the IUCN categories and criteria, considering up-to-date information and the analysis of a significant body of experts, 118 species were identified as threatened with extinction in Paraná. Of this total, 11 (9.3%) were considered to be Extinct in the Wild, 19 (16.1%) are Critically Endangered, 37 (31.3%) are Endangered, and lastly, 51 (43.2%) species are treated as Vulnerable. Very close to this condition are 35 species, categorized here as Near-threatened.
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